I was finally able to scan the original painting. It takes about 3 days, at least, in dry weather to have the paint dry enough to scan. And some reason, I'm having trouble with the digital camera getting the pictures to come out without a red cast. I have some landscapes done, but I'm not able to publish yet because they are still very wet. I usually paint heavy, so the drying time is longer. I'm going to look into faster drying paint and hope that this might be the answer to the problem.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
About Me
- Name: G. Caudill
- Location: Northeast, United States
I do daily paintings five days a week as a way to challenge myself and improve my work. Daily Painting was started by Duane Keiser, who is an amazing artist, and there are many fine artists pursuing this same discipline. I will be happy to see an improvement in my work. I have been doing art for along time, but not on a disciplined basis, and I’m hoping that the intensity of painting everyday will help me advance to where I would like to be as an artist. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I hope that you enjoy it. Your comments are always appreciated.
Previous Posts
- This is the edited photo with my son reflected in...
- This is the picture that I painted it from, minus...
- McKinley Panorama, 5" x 7" Oil on Canvas I wanted...
- Brown Egg in Stoneware Bowl, 5" x 5", oil on canv...
- Summer at the Lake, 5" x 7" Plein aire, oil on canvas
- I have to appologize for not submitting everyday. ...
- Merciless Ming's Eyes, 4" x 12" Oil on Canvas
- Still LIfe with egg, 5" x 7" oil on canvas
- Garlic, 6" x 6" oil on canvas
- Two Plums, 6" x 6" oil on canvas
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