Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tugger Bear

Tug Bear, 5" x 7" oil on canvas
copywrite G. Caudill, 2007
This is a quick sketch of my 15 month old grandson, Nicholas, or who I affectionately refer to as "Tugger Bear". My children and my grandchildren are the light of my life, and this little guy is the newest light. This is my first attempt to get back to portraits. I will be posting more paintings done thru December presented as gifts.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I have been away from the blog for awhile now, but I hope to be posting again soon. I took a break thru December; I was having medical issues, and the doctor thought I might have cancer. So far so good. The biopsy was negative, but I will be checked again in March. Needless to say, it puts a whole new perspective on life. I guess I have been doing a lot of introspection, trying to decide what's really important; what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. I will still be doing the little still life's but my very first love was portraits. I love faces. And the lakes where I live. I see so much beauty in them. So this will probably be my direction this year, not for sure but just a goal. I enjoy seeing all the Daily Painters and how they are progressing. Each one of them is so unique I can tell each one of them now by their style. And I get so happy when I see that their paintings have sold, I bet they didn't know they had a cheering section! Hope to be posting again soon! Take care and thanks for stopping by.