Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I have been away from the blog for awhile now, but I hope to be posting again soon. I took a break thru December; I was having medical issues, and the doctor thought I might have cancer. So far so good. The biopsy was negative, but I will be checked again in March. Needless to say, it puts a whole new perspective on life. I guess I have been doing a lot of introspection, trying to decide what's really important; what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. I will still be doing the little still life's but my very first love was portraits. I love faces. And the lakes where I live. I see so much beauty in them. So this will probably be my direction this year, not for sure but just a goal. I enjoy seeing all the Daily Painters and how they are progressing. Each one of them is so unique I can tell each one of them now by their style. And I get so happy when I see that their paintings have sold, I bet they didn't know they had a cheering section! Hope to be posting again soon! Take care and thanks for stopping by.


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